is far more
to be wrong
than right;
more often
than just.
It is no friend
to virtue,
and always
an enemy to happiness." ~ Hosea Ballou
I suspect that you already know that you are suspect.
Believe half of what you see and none of what you hear,
and you will probably be closer to the truth
than you could ever suppose.
Today, do not beat about the bush,
go straight for the jugular, improve your aim,
hit the nail on the head and seek out the truth
before your suppositions become an ugly tangled
web of half truths and misinformation.
Today, hang with the winners, the kind, the loving,
the patient and tolerant, the people who strive
to do the will of their Higher Power, and you will be
above suspicion.
Happiness is faith in a God who is above suspicion.
Happiness is helping someone help themselves.
ME and the Boss
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