"Don't ever
a pessimist...
a pessimist
is correct
more often
than an
but an optimist
has more fun,
and neither can stop the march of events." ~ Robert A. Heinlein
Today, have fun, know that God's will is kindness, love
and a march of events that will make every soul better
for God having put us on this Earth.
Today, a wish for better, a hope for better, a prayer for
the better will only become better if you work for better.
Work at smiling, hugging, speaking optimistic words
and being the happy person God wants you to be.
Today, have balance in your life, good/evil, real/fantasy,
yin/yang, darkness/light, chocolate/vanilla, and of course
Happiness is having a Higher Power that is good, real,
and optimistic.
Happiness is helping someone help themselves.
ME and the Boss
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