"It has
often been
said by
that nature
is the
will of God;
I prefer
to say
that nature
is the only
body of God
that we shall ever see. " ~ Frank Lloyd Wright
Are not all people, including you and I, Nature's finest creations?
Celebrate life, Nature's creations, every moment of every day.
Chose not to use or abuse; yourself, others or Nature's creations.
Explore the loving kindness behind all of Nature's creations,
the cycle of birth and death, the balance between the
prey and the predator, the choices people have to make this
world a better place for all.
Today, know that you are "God Exposed"- and it should be in
your nature to be the person your Higher Power wants you to be.
Happiness is being a kind and loving example of Nature's finest.
Happiness is helping someone help themselves.
ME and the Boss
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