Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Lesser Evil

"Never open

the door

to the

lesser evil,

for other


greater ones


slink in

after it." ~ Baltasar Gracian

One bad habit leads to another, a little white lie

becomes a black hole of insanity, a borrowed minute

becomes hours of idle wasted time, a quick cheat

becomes an affair that wrecks many lives.

Lying, cheating, or stealing are the Devils handiwork

and the price to pay is shame, guilt and remorse.

Today, be a good sentinal of your door and let in

only the kind, the loving, the patient and tolerant

the happy, joyous and free .

Today, start with an attitude of gratitude, maintain

a constant contact with your Higher Power, and

seek to do the will of the God of your understanding

and know that the rewards are sobriety, serenity,

and peace of mind.

Happiness is not letting the lesser evil in the door.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

ME and the Boss


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