Sunday, December 5, 2010

Good Company

"Hope is generally 
a wrong guide, 
though it is very good 
company by the way."

~ Edward F. Halifax 

 Faith is knowing that God 

will give you more than you 

could ever hope for. 

 Hope will sustain your courage 

and strength when your will is 

the will of a loving Higher Power. 

 Do not pin your hopes on 

other people, places or things, 

 stay in today and walk the walk, 

do not just talk the talk. 

 If what you have hoped for comes to fruition, 

 expand your gratitude list and look for ways

 to share the love. 

 Happiness is having hope as company on your journey through life. 

 Happiness is helping someone help themselves. 


 ME and the Boss ..

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