Friday, December 31, 2010

In God

"God cannot give us 

a happiness 

and peace 

apart from Himself, 


it is not there. 

There is 

no such thing." 


~ C.S. Lewis 


 Happiness and peace are achieved 

when your body, mind and soul are 

in balance and you are consciously 

striving to do the will of a loving Higher Power. 

 Things cannot create happiness. 

 Places cannot create happiness. 

 Only the loving family and friends who share 

 the things and places we have 

can bring us serenity, peace of mind, and happiness. 

True happiness is to give all the glory to the God who created all. 

 Happiness is in God. 

 Happiness is helping someone help themselves. 


 ME and the Boss


Thursday, December 30, 2010



is possible 

for him 

who believes."


~ Bible 


 Believe that you 

can change your body, 

eat right, exercise right, 

sleep right, and avoid stress. 

 Believe that you can change 

your mind, listen,

 do not say I Know, 

compromise, avoid stress. 

 Believe that you cannot change your soul, 

 God made you perfectly capable of choosing 

 to do His will by doing the next right thing, 

 avoiding stress. 

 Happiness is no stress. 

 Happiness is helping someone help themselves. 


 ME and the Boss



Wednesday, December 29, 2010


"All the flowers 

of all 

the tomorrows 

are in the 

seeds of today.” 


~ Proverbs 



look good, 

smell sweet, attract a mate 

 and know that tomorrow you will fade 

 and your legacy will be in the seeds 

 you have left behind. 

 Whether they are your own seeds 

or the seeds of others that God gave to you to nurture 

does not really matter, what counts the most is that 

 you do the next right thing to make God's world 

 a better place for all. 

 Teach, preach, set and example. inspire or motivate, 

do your best to have tomorrows seeds grow and bloom 

in a garden that is full of beauty and love.  

Happiness is knowing that you are the bearer of good seeds. 

 Happiness is helping someone help themselves. 


 ME and the Boss



Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Do Right

“You cannot 

make yourself 

feel something 

you do not feel, 

but you can 

make yourself 

do right 

in spite of your feelings.” 


~Pearl S. Buck 


 Don't know what you feel, 

don't know how to feel, 

 that is not an excuse for not doing the next right thing. 

 Practice patience, slow down, quiet the noisy mind, 

 learn to listen, do not think about what you are going to say 

 while someone else is talking, take a deep breath and wait 

 for the feeling to arise from deep within your soul. 

 Today, to do right is to do the will of your loving Higher Power. 

 God's will is for us all is to be kind, be loving, 

be patient and tolerant, be forgiving and to do right. 

 Happiness is doing right in spite of our feelings. 

 Happiness is helping someone help themselves. 


 ME and the Boss



Monday, December 27, 2010


"Happiness is 

not a matter 

of intensity 

but of balance, 



and harmony."


~Thomas Merton 


 Stop trying sooooo hard. 

 Intensity is a lack of faith. 

 Relax. Let go and let God. 

 Balance is feeling the rhythm of the Earth. 

Order is God's World, just as it is supposed to be. 

Harmony is to go with the flow.

 Happiness is not being too intense.

 Happiness is helping someone help themselves. 


 ME and the Boss



Sunday, December 26, 2010

Deep Within

"The law 

is not thrust 

upon man; 

it rests deep 

within him, 

to waken when 

the call comes." 


~ Martin Buber 


 Simple, follow the feelings from deep within. 

 Laws are for those who cannot accept 

 the responsibility for doing what is right. 

 The body is weak, it can't be trusted to be responsible, 

 the body loves instant gratification, has no true feelings, 

 and it will definitely get you in trouble with the law 

 if you follow its urges. The mind thinks too much, 

it can justify even the worst irresponsible acts, 

and is prone to forget the law at the worst times.  

The soul knows, the gut feeling that wrote the laws,  

the feelings that lead to happy, joyous and free. 

 Happiness is feeling right from deep within. 

 Happiness is helping someone help themselves. 


 ME and the Boss ..

Saturday, December 25, 2010


"He who 

has not Christmas 

in his heart will 

never find it 

under a tree.


 ~Roy L. Smith 


 It is not the day, 

it is the spirit of birth and living. 

 It is not in the giving, 

it is in the sharing. 

 It is not in the memory making, it is the faith and hope 

that the future world will be a better place because you 

believe in good will to all men. 

Today, from your heart, celebrate the beginning 

 of a better life because you do not worship the tree 

 or what is underneath it. 

 Happiness is knowing the reason for the season. 

 Happiness is helping someone help themselves. 


 ME and the Boss



Friday, December 24, 2010

Peace On Earth

''Then pealed 

the bells more 

loud and deep: 

"God is not dead; 

nor doth He sleep; 

The wrong shall fail, 

The right prevail, 

With peace on earth, 

good will to men."


~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 


 Today, put yourself on the right side 

of your loving Higher Power, the side that will prevail.  

On the wrong side we have the mean, selfish, self-centered, 

and angry people who have yet to accept God's world, 

just as it is. 

 They are not bad people, they are sick people who 

have no faith, no hope and many are under the influence 

of the Devil's devices. 

 Prayers do work... To be on the right side show kindnesses, 

share the love, be patient and tolerant of the sick and suffering, 

be the person God wants you to be. 

 Happiness is being on the right side with God. 

 Happiness is helping someone help themselves. 


 ME and the Boss 



Thursday, December 23, 2010

A Magic Wand

"Christmas waves 

a magic wand 

over this world, 

and behold, 

everything is softer 

and more beautiful." 


~ Norman Vincent Peale 


 Life is an attitude; 

today, make sure yours is an attitude of gratitude. 

 As the days grow shorter and the solstice passes 

 have faith, God will make sure that the Son 

and the sun will return to make this world a better place. 

Today, know that a warm smile and a kind word 

will go a long way toward making this world softer and more beautiful.

 Christmas may be the season but the real reason 

is to share the love all year long, to possess the magic wand of joy.

 Happiness is owning the magic wand. 

 Happiness is helping someone help themselves. 


 ME and the Boss 



Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Is Enough, Enough ??

"It is not 

how much you give, 

but how much you 

have left over 

after giving 

that God counts" 


~ Godwin Penrhyn-Lowe 


 Still giving. 

 Not just because it is the season, 

 but because it is the reason. 

 It is the thought that counts. 

 When you give of yourself you are validating that you

 are the person God wants you to be.

 Enough is in the eyes of the child who has been taught kindness and love. 

 Enough is in the heart of a mother who knows her family is safe and warm

 Enough is in the soul of the man who is willing to share the love 

and his world with his fellow man. 

 Everyone has enough to give. 

 Happiness is giving more than enough. 

 Happiness is helping someone help themselves. 


 ME and the Boss



Tuesday, December 21, 2010


"Words should 

be employed 

as the means, 

not the end; 

language is 

the instrument, 

conviction is the work."


 ~ Joshua Reynolds 


 Talk, talk, talk, talk.... 

 All talk and no action makes Jack a dull boy. 

 The more words one uses correctly 

the better the meaning is conveyed, however,

 if the listener or the reader does not know the word 

or interprets the word differently, the instrument is 

making a noise that is falling on deaf ears. 

 Walk the walk, show me by your conviction and actions 

 that you are willing to be kind, loving, patient and tolerant, 

 the person your Higher Power expects you to be. 

 Thank you God. 

 Happiness is knowing how to use the right words at the right time. 

 Happiness is helping someone help themselves. 


 ME and the Boss



Monday, December 20, 2010


"I hate 

the giving 

of the hand 


the whole man 

accompanies it." 


~ Ralph Waldo Emerson 


 Body, mind and soul, give, give and give. 

 Do the will of a loving Higher Power and 

 give kindness, give love, give others the benefit of the doubt, 

and above all, give all the glory to a God of your understanding. 

 Do not just give a hand out but give a hand up. 

 God will not count what you give, He will count how much 

you have left over after you have given all that you can.  

Happiness is having a willingness to give. 

 Happiness is helping someone help themselves. 

 ME and the Boss 



Sunday, December 19, 2010


"The greatest 

mistake we make

is living in 

constant fear that 

we will make one." 


~ John C. Maxwell


It is not a mistake to try. 

 Try to be kind. Try to be loving. Try to be patient and tolerant.  

Try to be the person God wants you to be. 

 Accept God's world, just as it is, because God makes no mistakes. 

Today, have no fear, have faith, know that a Higher Power 

will give you the strength and courage to do the next right thing. 

 Today, if you are sharing the love and it comes from a caring 

and willing heart, know that your soul cannot make a mistake. 

 Happiness is not having to worry about making a mistake. 

 Happiness is helping someone help themselves. 


 ME and the Boss



Saturday, December 18, 2010


"And as we 

let our own 

light shine, 

we unconsciously 

give other people 

permission to do the same." 


~ Nelson Mandela 


 Today, make a conscious effort to join your light 

with the light of your kind and loving fellow earthlings 

 to make this whole world bright and cheery. 

 If it lives, it has a light within it, somewhere. 

 If it is dark and nasty, mean and miserable, 

 show it your light so that it may see the way.
Know that the source of your shine is a loving Higher Power. 

Today, know that kindness, love, patience and tolerance can 

only magnify your brilliant shine. 

Happiness is letting the love shine through. 

Happiness is helping someone help themselves. 


 ME and the Boss



Friday, December 17, 2010

What People Really Think

"To know 

what people 

really think, 

pay regard to 

what they do, 

rather than 

what they say." 


~ George Santayana 


 Lead, follow or get out of the way, at the appropriate time. 

 Please engage the brain before running the mouth. 

God, grant me the serenity to accept.. the people whom I cannot change... 

God give me the courage to change my attitude and to accept as He does, 

this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it. *

 Today, we must know, have faith, that He will make all things right, 

if we surrender to His will. 

 Today, walk the walk, do not just talk the talk.  

Happiness is thinking and doing the right way. 

 Happiness is helping someone help themselves. 


 ME and the Boss 


 * Prayer for Serenity, Reinhold Niebuhr, paraphrased.



Thursday, December 16, 2010



    "Love is 


 love is 


 once given 

 never forgotten, 

 never let it disappear." 


~ John Lennon 


 God declared emphatically that you are loved, 

 and that is a promise. 

 If you are sad, lonely, or despondent, that is O.K., 

because when you get your mind on straight, 

you will better understand what happiness really is. 

Today, just remember not to jump off of the end of the seesaw 

when you love is on the other end, remember to hold onto your love 

when the roller coaster is making its plunge,  and remember to kiss 

your love when your Ferris wheel car is both at the top and at the bottom. 

 Today, remember to buy the souvenir so that you and your love 

can enjoy the memory of the rides. 

Happiness is a promise to just have fun. 

Happiness is helping someone help themselves. 


ME and the Boss 


Wednesday, December 15, 2010


"The man who is born 

with a talent 

which he was 

meant to use finds his 

greatest happiness 

in using it." 


~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 


Do not worry or fret concerning what is God's will for you, 

 just live every day to it's fullest. 

 God will give you the chance, it is your choice 

to do the next right thing. 

 It may be just a single moment, it may be your entire lifetime,

 or it may be your legacy, but it is not ours to know what 

God's purpose for us is to be, it is just our responsibility 

not to miss the chance when God gives it to us. 

 If you do not know what your talent is, do not be dismayed. 

 A smile, a kind word, the desire to make this world a better place, 

 a God incident, there are no coincidences, God already knows 

what your talents are. 

 Today, be multi talanted, be kind, be loving, be patient and tolerant 

and just try to be the person God wants you to be.  

Happiness is being talented at being yourself. 

 Happiness is helping someone help themselves. 


 ME and the Boss 



Tuesday, December 14, 2010

We See


does not

depend on

outward things,

but on

the way

we see them"

~ Count Leo Tolstoy

To see the very small print we all need glasses.

Today, make sure your glasses are not on backwards.

Today, make sure the glasses you are wearing were

prescribed by the loving Optometrist of the Universe.

If you see anger and hate today, find new friends.

If you see ugly and mean today, move on to better places.

If you are not surrounded by a family that knows kindness

and love, adopt a new family.

Today, avoid the small print, the expectations and

conditions that cause resentments, keep your vision clear,

and let your attitude of gratitude be the source

of your happiness.

Happiness is being able to say, I can see clearly now.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

ME and the Boss


Monday, December 13, 2010


"When you

realize how


everything is

you will tilt

your head back

and laugh at the sky." ~ Buddha

Body, mind and soul.

Earth, wind, and water.

What was, what is, and what ever shall be,

and all of this and all of that, is the perfect

design of a Power that is greater than we can

or could ever comprehend.

No snow flake ever fell in the wrong place.

No tear was ever shed in vain.

No drop of blood was ever wasted.

Sing, laugh and love, the world is perfect.

Happiness is being grateful to be part of God's

perfect world.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

ME and the boss


Sunday, December 12, 2010

Good Medicine







~ Proverbs 17:22

Body, mind and soul, be cheerful.

Today, know that God's world is life and death,

good and evil, dark and light, chocolate and vanilla,

and you need the nurturing of friends and faith that

will help you swallow the pill of acceptance.

Cheerfully seek to do the will of your loving Higher Power

and believe that the Doctor will prescribe only the best

if you just follow His instructions.

Today, know that the best medicine is kindness,

love, patience and tolerance.

Today, ask cheerfully for the medicine that will help

you keep a balance in your life.

Happiness is taking life's medicine cheerfully.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

ME and the Boss


Saturday, December 11, 2010

We Are Loved




of life

is the


that we

are loved" ~ Victor Hugo

Have faith, be happy, a Higher Power loves you.

Think healthy, love is not ownership.

Think respect, love is trusting.

Stay in today, love is doing the next right thing.

Self esteem, monogamous and spiritual,

love is keeping a balance to one's soul.

Today, know that love has no conditions.

Today, The Spirit of Love will validate every

conviction that you may have.

Happiness is just accepting that you are loved.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

ME and the Boss


Friday, December 10, 2010

Nights and Days

"There are

as many

nights as days,

and the one

is just as long

as the other

in the year's course.

Even a happy life

cannot be without

a measure of darkness,

and the word 'happy' would lose its meaning

if it were not balanced by sadness." ~ Carl Jung

Into every life a little rain must fall.

Learn to mourn, learn to grieve, let go and let God.

Have faith that the Devine Creator made this world

for everything to have a reason and a season.

Love is the reason and the seasons never end.

Move on, remembering that without the rain there

would be no rainbow and without the rain there would

be no flowers.

Today, do not fear the night and let your days be full of joy.

Happiness is keeping your balance.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

ME and the Boss


Thursday, December 9, 2010


"The journey

to happiness



the courage

to go down

into ourselves

and take


for what's there: all of it." ~ Richard Rohr

You may not think that you are perfect, however,

God did not make any junk and you are perfectly

capable of doing the will of a loving Higher Power.

God will give you the chance, the choice is yours.

Responsibility is admitting that maybe we did not

always make the right choice.

Today, change the way you make choices,

seek out friends to give you suggestions, pray to the

Spirit of the Light to give you the courage and strength

to do the next right thing.

Today, pay close attention to your responsibilities and

choose to make this world a better place for God having

put you here.

Happiness is making responsible choices.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

ME and the Boss


Wednesday, December 8, 2010



is neither




nor this thing

nor that thing

but simply


We are happy when we are growing."

~ William Butler Yeats

To learn is to grow.

To be kind is to grow as a friend.

To love and be loved is to grow as a family.

Be patient and tolerant and you will grow as a person.

Be the person God wants you to be and you will grow

in courage, strength and wisdom.

Today, seek to grow a better relationship

with the Higher Power of your understanding.

Think positive, do positive, grow to be happy.

Happiness is to never stop growing.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

ME and the Boss


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Enemy

"The enemy

is more easily


if he be not


to enter the door

of our hearts,

but be resisted

without the gate

at his first knock." ~ Thomas p Kempis

I have met the enemy and the enemy is me.

If selfish and self-centered knock on the door of my heart

I must know they are the enemy and I must not let them in.

If anger, rage, jealousy and envy knock on the door

I must not let them in.

Grandiosity and complacency are my greatest enemies.

Today, I must open the door to my heart

and allow only kindness and love to enter in.

Today, the windows of my heart are patience and tolerance

and I must allow my heart to see God's world

as He wants it to be.

Happiness is knowing the knock of the enemy.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

ME and the Boss


Monday, December 6, 2010


"The less routine 

the more life. " 

Amos Bronson Alcott 

 Bad habit, rut, routine 
or just a simple 
 obsessive compulsive behavior 
can wring the life out of the soul. 
 What is simple minded about 
a mindless routine is that it is
 often done without feeling. 
 Today, rely on the Spirit of the Universe 
to give you the intuitive understanding 
to avoid the mindless routine and 
negative feelings that are a cancer
 to your soul. 
 Today, even if it is a routine, 
do it with feeling. 
 Today, most importantly,
 do what you do from the heart, 
 with good, kind, loving and caring feelings. 
 Today, get out of the rut, 
think outside of the box, look for God 
to give you the chance to be kind, 
 to be patient and tolerant, to share the love
 and to make this world a better place for all.  

Happiness is seeking a life that is full of good feelings. 

Happiness is helping someone help themselves. 

 ME and the Boss ..

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Good Company

"Hope is generally 
a wrong guide, 
though it is very good 
company by the way."

~ Edward F. Halifax 

 Faith is knowing that God 

will give you more than you 

could ever hope for. 

 Hope will sustain your courage 

and strength when your will is 

the will of a loving Higher Power. 

 Do not pin your hopes on 

other people, places or things, 

 stay in today and walk the walk, 

do not just talk the talk. 

 If what you have hoped for comes to fruition, 

 expand your gratitude list and look for ways

 to share the love. 

 Happiness is having hope as company on your journey through life. 

 Happiness is helping someone help themselves. 


 ME and the Boss ..

Saturday, December 4, 2010


"We don't laugh 

because we're happy - 

- we're happy 

because we laugh." 

~ William James 

 Laughter is the best medicine. 

 If the people you hang with 

have a warped sense of humor, 

 can't laugh, won't laugh, 

find some new people to hang with. 

 If the places you go to do not tickle

 your funny bone, make you sad 

and depressed, find a new place to visit, 

or live. 

 If you rely upon the things in your life to make 
you happy, you need to get a new life. 
 Today, look for the smiles, listen for the jocundity, 
 locate the source of the cachinnation and seek out 
 the people, places and things that will make you laugh. 
 Today, ask your Higher Power for the strength and 
courage to laugh in the face of adversity, 
to show you the way to happy, joyous and free. 

 Happiness is laughing with them, not at them. 

 Happiness is helping someone help themselves. 


 ME and the Boss ..

Friday, December 3, 2010

Every Right


is giving

to every


human being

every right

that you


for yourself."

~ Robert Green Ingersoll

As humans we often take our rights for granted,

the right to think or have an opinion, the right to feel,

the right to make choices with which we are

comfortable with.

To protect your rights, respect the rights of others.

Their opinions are theirs, their emotions are theirs,

their choices are theirs, and if you are patient and tolerant,

kind and loving, God will lead you to find people, places

and things which respect the rights of everyone.

Mean people have no right.

The right that we shoul cherish the most is the

right to do the next right thing, the will of the loving

God of your understanding.

Happiness is respecting every right, yours and theirs.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

ME and the Boss


Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Lesser Evil

"Never open

the door

to the

lesser evil,

for other


greater ones


slink in

after it." ~ Baltasar Gracian

One bad habit leads to another, a little white lie

becomes a black hole of insanity, a borrowed minute

becomes hours of idle wasted time, a quick cheat

becomes an affair that wrecks many lives.

Lying, cheating, or stealing are the Devils handiwork

and the price to pay is shame, guilt and remorse.

Today, be a good sentinal of your door and let in

only the kind, the loving, the patient and tolerant

the happy, joyous and free .

Today, start with an attitude of gratitude, maintain

a constant contact with your Higher Power, and

seek to do the will of the God of your understanding

and know that the rewards are sobriety, serenity,

and peace of mind.

Happiness is not letting the lesser evil in the door.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

ME and the Boss


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Dying Mind




is a



~ Edna Ferber

Honesty, Open-minded and Willing to change

are the keys to a life that is happy, joyous and free.

HOW you look at things is

HOW they will look back at you.

A closed mind will miss all the fun.

A closed mind will grow stale and moldy

inside the box.

We will all die soon enough, why should

you die mentally before your time is up.

Today, as long as the package comes wrapped in love,

be willing to open the gift of knowledge and do your

best to make this world a better place.

Today, know that your open mind will see God smile.

Happiness is having an open mind.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

ME and the Boss


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Honor Love



why all men

honor love

is because

it looks up,

and not down;



not despairs."

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Look up into the eyes of the beloved and see the gleam

of happiness that permeates the soul.

Look up to and elevate those who think of others, share

the love and understand that God does not make any junk.

Honor is your true worth and stature based on the

harmony of your actions.

Your honor is the honest and true feelings that

establish one's personal dignity and character.

Today, be honorable, aspire to be loved by others the

way your Higher Power loves you when you do His will.

Happiness is honoring love.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

ME and the Boss


Monday, November 29, 2010

The Possible





is lit




~ Emily Dickinson

If it has a name that means some body has

done that or thought of that.

If it doesn't have a name, and it is something that

promotes kindness and love, helps people become

more patient and tolerant, helps to make this world

a better place, imagine that.

Today, create the thought, the word, the name

that will signal the beginning of world peace.

Today, let you imagination run rampant,

become the person God wants you to be.

Happiness is knowing that anything is possible.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

ME and the Boss


Sunday, November 28, 2010


"Today is not


we ourselves


how can our

works and


if they are

always to be the fittest, continue always the same?

Change, indeed is painful; yet ever needful;

and if memory have its force and worth,

so also has hope." ~ Thomas Carlyle

The only constant in God's world is that things will change.

What you hope for, what you work for, what you live for,

even your understanding of your Higher Power, will change.

Grow wise, accept, have gratitude, embrace the challenge

of the change and know that God will not bring to you

anything that He will not see you through.

Always remember that the joy is in the journey,

if you are happy now you will be happy

when you reach your destination.

Happiness is hope that things will change.

Happiness is helping someon help themselves.

ME and the Boss


Saturday, November 27, 2010




is cheap



how dearly

we pay

for its


~ Hosea Ballou

Happiness is an attitude that dwells within your soul.

People, who you may rely upon to give you happiness

may not always be there when you need them.

Places, that you may depend upon to give you happiness

will change tomorrow because God's world is always changing.

Things, that you think will make you happy will disappear,

become old and broken, become obsolete, and eventually

will be throw out by the children.

Today, be cheap, have a happy soul.

Today, don't pay for the counterfeit,

rely on God to give you what you need.

Today, be grateful, and if you look closely enough

you will discover that God has already given you

everything you need to be happy.

Happiness is not paying for the counterfeit.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

ME and the Boss


Friday, November 26, 2010










evil." ~ Aristotle

Evil, calamity, disaster, hurt feelings or a stubbed toe

will cause the pain, the fear is how you handle it.

Fear not, let go and let God.

Fear less, learn to avoid the evil, the mean people,

the places where disaster is pending, and above all

watch where you are walking.

Fear is not knowing.

If you do not know, ask a friend, reach out for help,

look for opinions from both sides of the fence and

seek to put balance in your life.

Do not try to hide from fear by ritual or worship,

but allow your soul to bask in the Light of Knowing,

a loving Higher Power who will teach you faith.

Happiness is giving your fears to God.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

ME and the Boss


Thursday, November 25, 2010











blind." ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Retribution is payment for both good and bad,

but what about the accidents?

Could the accident have been prevented or was the

action premeditated??

People, places and things in your life will be better

if you seek the better and the accidents will occur

less frequently.

Keep kindness and love in your heart, practice patience

and tolerance and you will not have as many accidents.

It is no accident when you are doing the will of your

loving Higher Power, the God of your understanding.

Today, be not judge and jury, ask your Higher Power

to show you how love can be the best retribution.

Happiness is no accident and requires no retribution.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

ME and the Boss


Wednesday, November 24, 2010





degrades me,



is done

or said


at last to me." ~Walt Whitman

God will not let you get away with anything that is not kind,

loving, patient and tolerant and the best that you can be.

Guilt, shame and remorse are the rewards for being mean,

selfish, self-centered, grandiose and arrogant because in

the end it is always just between you and God.

Life is the mirror and the people, places and things that you

choose to surround yourself with will reflect your true heart.

Today, no matter where you go, no matter who you go with,

let your mirror be bright and shiny and a good reflection

of the Great Creator who made us all.

Happiness is knowing that what comes back to ME is God sent.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

ME and the Boss


Tuesday, November 23, 2010



is too


to see



Alfred Lord Tennyson

Selfish, self-centered, arrogant, grandiose,

it is all about me, it is all sin.

It is a sin to tell a lie.

HOW it works is to be;

Honest, Open-minded and Willing,

to do the next right thing, to do the will

of a loving God of your understanding,

and to share self with others.

Today, don't be stupid, be kind, be loving,

be patient and tolerant and be the person

God wants you to be.

Happiness is being free from sin.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

ME and the Boss


Monday, November 22, 2010

Action Not Words

"Most men

make little

use of their

speech than

to give


against their

own understanding." ~ George Savile

Just keep talking and you will eventually tell me

how little you know.

Today, it is the actions, not the words, that will

show God and His world where your heart is.

Be kind, hold the door open, and if you need words,

please and thank you will suffice.

Be loving, smiles and hugs work well, and if words are

needed, tell someone that God loves them and so do you.

Be patient and tolerant, bite your tongue, no toe tapping,

no big sighs, just words of encouragement to get on with

doing the will of your loving Higher Power.

Be the person God wants you to be, a good example,

all action and very few words.

Need a word, can't find the right expression, pray,

and allow the Light of the Universe to guide you.

Happiness is saying the next right thing.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

ME and the Boss

PS..unless your words are in a book that comes from the heart..
Thank you, Betsy Otter Thompson, "Walking Through Illusion."