"Little men
with little
and little
go through life
in little ruts,
smugly resisting
all changes
which would jar
their little worlds." ~ Zig Ziglar
You are never to old to change.
Smug is a discomfort zone in disguise.
Complacency is another way to discribe a little world.
Today, go for the gusto, expand your thinking, allow
your imagination to run wild and try to make every
chance that your Higher Power gives you into a work of
lasting kindness, love, faith, hope and grace.
Today, do not be a slacker, use your God given talents
to make this world a better place for the glory of God.
Today, think and imagine outside of the rut, outside of the box,
and change the world around you by being the person
God wants you to be.
Happiness is thinking and imagining BIG.
Happiness is helping someone help themselves.
ME and the Boss
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