Sunday, October 31, 2010



who is



who directs

the stars,

who is the

master of fates,

who elevates man

from his lowliness

to Himself,

who speaks from the cosmos

to every single human soul,

is the most brilliant manifestation of the goal of perfection."

~ Alfred Adler

Overwhelming, too big, too large, too grand or whatever too

that you can ascribe to God, He will always be just a little

more than what we could ever comprehend.

If you can think it, God put that thought into you head.

If you can believe it, God will give you the courage to know.

If you have faith, God will give you the strength to hold it.

Today, God will give you the chance, the choice is yours to

do the will of your Higher Power with the goal of being a

bright image of God's best creation.

Today, seek a healthy balance; body, mind and soul,

in your life and leave perfection up to God.

Happiness is being elevated to God's perfection.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

ME and the Boss


Saturday, October 30, 2010

Think, Imagine, BIG

"Little men

with little


and little


go through life

in little ruts,

smugly resisting

all changes

which would jar

their little worlds." ~ Zig Ziglar

You are never to old to change.

Smug is a discomfort zone in disguise.

Complacency is another way to discribe a little world.

Today, go for the gusto, expand your thinking, allow

your imagination to run wild and try to make every

chance that your Higher Power gives you into a work of

lasting kindness, love, faith, hope and grace.

Today, do not be a slacker, use your God given talents

to make this world a better place for the glory of God.

Today, think and imagine outside of the rut, outside of the box,

and change the world around you by being the person

God wants you to be.

Happiness is thinking and imagining BIG.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

ME and the Boss


Friday, October 29, 2010

Castles in the Sky








too low." ~ Edward Young

Build your life not just for the here and now,

but also for the life hereafter.

Today, know that he foundation of your castle in heaven

is built here on Earth.

The solid rock of your soul is built with kindness, love, truth,

faith, hope, grace and all of the best that God has to offer.

The more and the better the God ingrediants the stronger

your shelter will be to protect you from the trials and temptations

that the Devil will bring as storms against the unknowing soul.

Today, seek a oneness with the Spirit of the Universe that

together you may travel a safe pathway to your castle in the sky.

Happiness is building a life worthy of Heaven.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

ME and the Boss


Thursday, October 28, 2010



I think

of someone

as somehow


from me,

a wall

comes up


their heart and mine.

When I remember our oneness,

the wall disappears." ~Betsy Otter Thompson

A soul is a soul is a soul, young, old, boy, girl,

black, white, yellow, red, aboriginal, immigrant,

legal or illegal, a heart beats in every one.

Body, mind and spirit, we are on this earth

for a very short time with the obligation to do

the will of a loving Creator.

Be kind, be loving, be patient and tolerant,

build no walls and most importantly, be the person

God wants you to be, the soul who makes life on this

Earth better for everyone.

Today, be as one with all the other souls you meet,

be as one with the Spirit of the Universe.

Today, be as one with the past, the present and make

the future a world where no walls exist.

Happiness is being as one with God's universe.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

ME and the Boss


Wednesday, October 27, 2010




friend of


is Time,

her greatest


is Prejudice,

and her

constant companion

is Humility." ~ Charles Caleb Colton

Truth and honesty are inseperable, but we must

remember that what one honestly believes to be true

could be wrong if seen from another side, another angle

or another perspective.

Time will change the side you are on, the angle from

which you see things and how you may perceive things.

Child like, the teenager who wants to be, the young adult,

the almost mature adult, the old timer who will never

grow up or the truly humble, honest and wise saint

will all have different truths.

Today, be prepared to be wrong, no matter how honestly

and truly you believe what you have seen or heard is real.

Today, be a friend of the truth, be patient, time will tell,

do not be prejudiced, be tolerant of those who cannot change,

and most importantly, be humble, no matter whether you are

right or wrong.

Happiness is accepting todays truth.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

ME and the Boss


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Going Down





is the


to Hell" ~ Virgil

Gravity and time are the weapons of the Devil.

Self will is the road that spirals down hill and keeps

going faster and faster as the Devil pulls you down.

One little lie becomes many, one little cheat becomes

a tangled affair, one little theft becomes and avalance

of selfish, self-centered, more, more, more,

and a thousand is never enough.

The will of your loving Higher Power is to be kind,

loving, patient and tolerant and to aim high.

Today, know that Heaven defies gravity and once there,

time becomes eternal.

Today, beware of gravity, do not waste God's time,

and choose only the battles that you know you can win.

Happiness is winning the uphill battles.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

ME and the Boss


Monday, October 25, 2010

Quiet Lives



and the





~ Euripides

The quiet is giving God the opportunity to speak.

The mind finds it difficult to listen for the quiet,

to sense the intuitive feelings that allow us to choose

to do the next right thing.

Listen with your heart and soul to seek the will of a

loving Great Creator, the Spirit of the Universe,

the Light of All Being.

Today, know that it is wise to be kind, it is wise to

be loving, it is wise to be patient and tolerant, it is wise

to be in balance with the Universe, and most importantly,

it is good to be very, very quiet.

Happiness is living a quiet life.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

ME and the Boss


Sunday, October 24, 2010

Be Good For Something




Be not

simply good,

be good

for something."

Henry David Thoreau

It is good to be good by trying to do your best,

but it is better to be really good at making

this world a better place by using the talents

and skills given to you by your loving Higher Power.

Today, choose to be really good at doing something.

God will give you the chance, the choice is yours;

have good kind thoughts about others,

have good unconditional love for others,

have good patience and tolerance of others,

make a conscious decision to maintain a good contact

with your Higher Power.

When we do good for others, God will do good for us.

Happiness is choosing to be good for somerthing.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

ME and the Boss


Saturday, October 23, 2010






has an



no less


to balance it." ~ George Santayana

It is not doing the opposite that gets us in trouble,

it is doing the extreme that puts us over the edge.

Smart is learning from your own mistakes,

wise is learning from the efforts of others.

Today, do not just seek out the mistakes to learn from,

look at all the wonderful successes that God creates

every day and be wise enough to also learn from them.

Be wise to keep balance in your life.

Today, be just kind enough, share the love,

do not be patient and tolerant to a fault, and when

all else fails, be wise enough to ask God for help

to keep you in balance; body, mind and soul.

Happiness is being wise enough to know the opposite.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

ME and the Boss


Friday, October 22, 2010

Valuable and Powerful

"The most



you can


is an

open heart.

The most



you can be

is an instrument of peace." ~ Carlos Santana

The most valuable posession and the most powerful

weapon that God has is you.

Open your heart, be kind and loving, and seek to do

the will of your loving Higher Power.

Today, treat yourself to the best attitude you can find,

start with an attitude of gratitude for God giving you

the chance to make this world a better place.

Today, treat your family, friends and the whole wide world

to a soul who has no thought of lying, cheating or stealing.

Today, body, mind and soul, be the most valuable

and powerful weapon in God's arsenal.

Happiness is knowing your true worth and strength.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

ME and the Boss

Thursday, October 21, 2010



is it

when we

talk to God,

we're praying,


when God

talks to us,

we're schizophrenic?"

~ Lily Tomlin

If you are lucky enough to hear the voices,

it is wise that you listen to them and follow the

directions that are kind, loving, patient and

tolerant,and learn to obey the voices that suggest

you do the will of God.

Beware, if you haven't prayed to your Higher Power

and you hear the voices it may be the Devil in disguise,

trying to win you over to his selfish and self-centered ways.

Today, listen closely, and when the spirit moves you

learn to do the next right thing.

Happiness is hearing the voice of God.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

ME and the Boss

Wednesday, October 20, 2010



is not

a feeling

of happiness.


is a


to sacrifice." ~ Michael Novak

Happiness is two souls sharing the same path.

Give me all of your love

and I will give you all of mine, unconditionally.

Those who have expectations, reservations and

resentments, those who are selfish and self-centered,

have no clue that to sacrifice means to share.

Today, share your path, you dream, your desire

to do the next right thing with someone

who is willing to give it their all.

Isn't love wonderful?

God is the supreme example of love and sacrifice.

Today, be God like and seek to do the will of your loving

Higher Power, no matter what the sacrifice.

Happiness is being willing to sacrifice.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

ME and the Boss

Tuesday, October 19, 2010




of each


bound up

in the

welfare of all." ~ Helen Keller

Help another soul today.

Physically, mentally or spiritually,

two souls are always better than one.

Hold the door, solve a problem, pray together,

there are so many was to get out of your selfish,

self-centered self and do the next right thing,

the will of your loving Higher Power.

Thinking of the welfare of others makes you feel good.

Thinking of the welfare of others makes them feel good.

Thinking of the welfare of others makes God feel good.

Happiness is feeling good.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

ME anhd the Boss

Monday, October 18, 2010





are not


Most of God's

children are,

in fact,

barely presentable."
~ Fran Lebowitz

It is God's job to make things beautiful,

your job is to be presentable.

Present a kind smile, a glowing countenance,

a posture of confidence, and a humble obediance

to a Higher Power who created all beautiful things.

Today, do not limit yourself by thinking that you

do not meet the standards of beauty that others

have manufactured for our society.

Today, know that if everyone could be kind,loving,

patient and tolerant, God's world would be

perfectly beautiful.

Happiness is knowing that you are beautiful in God's eyes.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

ME and the Boss

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Golden Moments

"What seems

nasty, painful, evil

can become

a source of beauty,

joy and strength,

if faced with

an open mind.

Every moment

is a golden one,

for him who has

the vision to see it as such." ~ Henry Miller

God's spirit, God's will, God's universe,

God is good all the time,

it is our distorted vision that clouds the mind.

Clean the evil and nasty from your eyes and

see the golden opportunity that God has placed

before those who have kindness in their heart

and love in their souls.

Today, do not be one of the selfish and self-centered

who can see no further than their own nose.

Today, ask your Higher Power to help you

clear and improve your vision.

Happiness is not missing the golden moments.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

ME and the Boss

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Be Kind

"Three things

in human




The first

is to be kind.

The second

is to be kind.

And the third

is to be kind." ~ Henry James

Kindness is love.

Kindness knows patience.

Kindness is being tolerant of self, others and God.

Kindness is being the person God wants you to be.

How simple can it be, just be nice.

Pray for the sick and suffering, the selfish and

self-centered and know that anger, jealousy, envy

and resentments can only hurt you, not them.

Kindness is the sign on your door that tells the Devil

to just pass on by, "I kill people with my kindness."

Happiness is a whole day filled with nothing but kindness.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

ME and the Boss

Friday, October 15, 2010

The Common Pulse

"The sky

was clear

- remarkably clear -

and the


of all the stars

seemed to be

but throbs of one body,

timed by a common pulse." ~ Thomas Hardy

The Spirit of the Universe flows around

and through us all.

We are one with the stars, one with the universe,

one with God.

The pulse of a Higher Power is the heart and soul

that carries kindness and love through the veins

of our very being.

Today, be tolerant of the noise that the Devil

makes to disrupt the pulse of God's world, and

seek out the people, places and things that are

remarkably clear.

Today, be patient, seek the quiet and learn to listen

to the pulse of the Universe, the Great Creator,

the Light of the World, the Higher Power of

your understanding.

Happiness is being one with the Common Pulse.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

ME and the Boss

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Honest To God




is the



of man."

~ Robert Green Ingersoll

If you do not believe that God exist, then you do not exist.

If you think that maybe God exists, then maybe you do too.

If you know that there is a God, and it is not you,

your existence is the noblest work of God and you.

Together, you and God know kindness.

Together, you and God know love.

Together, you and God can be patient with

and have tolerance for those lost souls

who have yet to find their God.

Together, you and God can strive to make this world

a noble and beautiful world.

Happiness is being honest to God.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

ME and the Boss

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Eternally Real


is the





is the




~ Mary Baker Eddy

Today is the day to be real.

People, places and things are yesterday's history,

tomorrow is a mystery, but the spirit is, was and

always will be present.

Today, be kind and loving to the people you meet,

enjoy the places you go and and know that things

do not really matter because your spirit can't take

them with you when God says that your time

on this Earth is over.

As many good spiritual people have said;

it is better to die having lived a good life only to find

that there is no Heaven, than to have lived a bad life

and then find out there is one.

The good life is to make as many people as happy

as you can, to make all the places you go better

because you were there and to leave a legacy

of things that will make the next generation or two

have a good life and maybe they will remember

your spirit as being eternal.

Happiness is knowing what is eternally real.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

ME and the Boss

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Lesser



the lesser

of two


is still



~ Jerry Garcia

God gives you the chance and the chance always

has in it's history, at it's root, the first opportunity

to do good.

Your body, mind and soul each have their chance

to do good.

It is just unfortunate that the Body, the flesh,

has a history of being prone to know evil,

the mind is easily confused by the Devil,

therefore it is the Soul that we must learn to rely

upon to show us the pathway to happy, joyous and free.

Those whose souls are lost are always faced with choosing

the lesser of two evils, the cravings of the body

or the obsessions of the mind.

Today, go to the root, go back in history and learn to ask

your loving Higher Power for the courage and strength

to let your soul choose to do the next right thing.

Happiness is is never having to choose a lesser path.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

ME and the Boss

Monday, October 11, 2010

Travel On

"The woods

are lovely,




But I have


to keep,

and miles

to go

before I sleep." ~ Robert Frost

Quitting is the easy way out.

Quitting is not giving your soul the chance to do the

will on the Spirit of the Universe, the Great Creator,

a loving Higher Power of your understanding.

Today, keep the promise to be kind to all, even the

mean and ugly people who have no idea where their

soul resides.

Today, keep your promise to love unconditionally,

even the selfish and self-centered who have no idea

what a true heart is.

Today, keep your promise to God to be patient and

tolerant of yourself, God and the stupid people

who really deserve a good slap upside the head.

Tired of traveling, let God carry you until you can

regain your own strength and courage to venture on.

Happiness is keeping promises and traveling on.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

ME and the Boss

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Can You See

"It is


with the


that one

can see


what is


is invisible

to the eye." ~ Antoine De Saint-Exupery

Can you see kindness? Can you see love?

Can you see the end of the universe?

Can you see God?

Yes you can see all if you let your heart do the looking.

Enhance your vision by allowing your soul to add

the brilliant color of God's world to your view.

Today, feel with your soul the love that the

Great Creator has put into this world.

Today, look with your heart to see the chance

God will give you to do the next right thing.

Today, know that you can see patience and tolerance

if you learn to use your heart to look at God's world.

Today, let God see you being the person He wants you to be.

Happiness is seeing what God has put into your heart.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

ME and the Boss