Thursday, September 30, 2010



the great





the ringing


of change."

~ Lord Alfred Tennyson

What does the word forever really mean??

What does the word eternity imply??

Does anyone ever live in this exact moment??

Fleeting thoughts, passing time, and words that

place us in a temporary time and place are the ideas

and questions that the greatest minds, the most

esteemed philosophers have yet to resolve.


Laugh, love, change something, change anything,

roll with the tide, go with the flow, today, just live,

and don't try to out think anyone, especially God.

Happiness is accepting the changes that God makes.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

ME and the Boss

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Thought Devine

"Bid then,

the tender

light of faith

to shine,

by which


the mortal


is led unto

the thinking

of the thought divine." ~ George Santayana

Today, keep it simple, live fully, love wholly

and think only divine thoughts.

Think kind, think loving, think patience and tolerance,

think of being the person God expects you to be.

Today, expect little but give much.

Have the faith to know that the tender light of the loving

Spirit of the Universe flows through you and the

mortal heart will grow in that light to find serenity

and peace of mind.

Today, know that by following the light of your faith

your soul will become one with the Great Almighty.

Happiness is being led by the light of faith.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

ME and the Boss

Tuesday, September 28, 2010






give up

the good

to go for

the great."

John D, Rockefeller

Don't give up, just give more.

Give more kindness.

Share the love.

Have patience and tolerance and wait for God

to show you what is great.

Good was yesterdays history, tomorrow is a mystery,

so why no expect that today will be your greatest day ever.

Today, set great but also realistic expectations as you

build a legacy that will make this world a better place

for God having put your soul into this world.

Today, know that your Higher Power has given you

great aim and you should use those talents and skills

to shoot for the stars.

Happiness is giving up the good for the great.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

ME and the Boss

Monday, September 27, 2010

Choose Wisely

"Every man

builds his


in his own


He has

the power

to choose,

but no power

to escape

the necessity of choice." ~ Ayn Rand

Life is not just one final exam, life is a pop quiz

given to you daily.

Also, please understand that both God and the Devil

are grading the answers to your daily efforts.

Today, choose wisely, make the answers to all of your

life's questions kindness, love, patience and tolerance

and have a willingness to do the will of a loving

Light of the World, the King of Peace, the Great Creator,

the God of your understanding.

Today, be an "A" student and always choose to do

the next right thing.

Happiness is building your world to reflect the image of love.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

ME and the Boss

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Be An Expert

"An expert

is someone

who has


in making





through knowing

what to pay attention to

and what to ignore." Edward de Bono

Today, keep it simple, become an expert by paying

close attention to kindness, love, patience and tolerance

and being the person God expects you to be.

Today, ignore mean people, ignore evil places and do

not become an expert at doing terrible things.

Know that doing the next right thing is the simplest

guide to making successful decisions and sound judgments.

Understand that to be a happy expert you must accept

that things will change and that one must pay very close

attention to keeping the balance in God's world.

Happiness is being an expert at doing God's will.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

ME and the Boss

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Work Hard




has in it


of discipline

for the


heaven." ~ Frederick William Robertson

God's will is for us to make this world,

with and by love, a better place for all.

Today, love unconditionally, and with all of your

strength and courage work hard at doing the will

of the God of your understanding.

Today know that God will give you the chance,

no matter what your are occupied with,

to do the next right thing.

Today, know that every breath, every thought,

every smile and every hug are the materials

with which the stairway to heaven is built.

Happiness is to be occupied by humbly doing God's will.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

ME and the Boss

Friday, September 24, 2010


"If you


in your


a picture

of bright

and happy


you put


into a condition

conducive to your goal." ~ Norman Vincent Peale

Pick up your paint brush, know that God will provide

the paint and today, expect to paint a beautiful picture

of happy, joyous and free.

Do not sorrow if yesterdays picture is fading, do not

worry that tomorrow will have enough paint or will the color

that you love the most still be there, today, do the best you can

with what you have and be as creative as God will allow.

Today, expect that only those who like the color of your

kindness and paint with gentle strokes of patience and

tolerance can help you to paint the picture of love

that will make you and God happy,

Happiness is a picture of bright and happy expectations.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

ME and The Boss

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Discover Wisdom

"We don't



we must

discover it

for ourselves

after a


that no one

can take for us

or spare us." ~ Marcel Proust

God will give you the chance to become wise today,

it is your choice to discover it.

God will give you the courage and strength to do His will,

to make this world a better place because of your wisdom.

The journey is yours alone so why not make it happy,

joyous and free.

Today, hang out with wise people and do not expect

them to do anything more than to show you how.

Today, go to a good place, a place where discovery

is rewarding and spirit lifting.

Today, let the Light of the World guide your journey

through a world that is wisdom awaiting to be discovered.

Happiness is discovering that the joy is in the journey.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

ME and the Boss

Wednesday, September 22, 2010








we don't

live in

a perfect world." ~ Joyce Meyer

God's world is always changing and it is a delicate

balance between this and that, good and evil,

love and hate and all of those many words that are

too imperfect to describe His universe, therefore,

just believe that perfect is in the eye and attitude

of the beholder.

Today, know that as soon as you think you have

perfected a talent or skill, things will change,

or someone will appoint themselves as God's critic

and show you the other side of the coin.

Today, do not kill the messenger, just know

that there is always a yin and yang to God's will.

Today, an excellent balance in your life will

make you much happier than the perfect storm.

Happiness is striving for excellence and

leaving perfection up to God.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

ME and the Boss

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Travel Light

"If you

wish to


far and fast,

travel light.

Take off

all your




selfishness and fears." ~ Cesare Pavese

Happy, joyous and free from guilt and shame.

The memory improves because we do not have

to remember the lies.

The spirit soars because we see the good that

God has created and we know the deceit of the

Devil for what it truly is.

Today, know that your Higher Power made you

uniquely perfect to do His will.

Today, travel light, wear a smile on your face,

carry love in your heart, let God set the pace

and travel fast when given the chance

to do the next right thing.

Happiness is traveling far and fast in God's light.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

ME and the Boss

Monday, September 20, 2010

Think For Yourself


is much





is when

someone else

does the thinking."

~ R. Buckminster Fuller

Believe none of what you hear

and only half of what you see.

Have faith, be proud to say I know, I have been there,

and I have experienced God's love.

Have faith, know that what you say and what you do

comes from your heart and it is who you

really are, not who you believe you are.

You can fool some of the people some of the time

but you can never fool God.

Believers can talk a good game, but those that think

for themselves, do the will of a loving Higher Power,

and choose to do the next right thing are those who

are the happy, joyous and free.

Happiness is thinking for yourself.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.

ME and the Boss