Monday, August 24, 2020

Step Nine

 Trust God, work the steps and help others. A basic refrain echoed many times
and in many ways by the many members of A.A..  

Beyond this refrain lies the knowledge that God will do for us what we cannot
do for ourselves.
Spiritual progress is one of the things only a Higher Power can do for us. God
will give us the chance if we stick to the basics and the choice is ours to either
work with or fight against the suggested program.
Spiritual progress is watching the 9th step promises come true. 

"Before we are halfway through . . . " If you have been painstaking in working
the previous eight steps you should be humble enough to approach those you
have harmed and be willing to make amends to them.
It is not a win or lose, a success or failure situation when one attempts to make
amends, it is the satisfaction that you have changed, you have grown spiritually,
you have gone beyond willing and have taken the action to become a better person,
the person your Higher Power wants you to be.

Strive to be the good person you want to be and know that the past was driven
by the devil, John Barleycorn. Forgive yourself and believe that Step Nine is the
pathway to a life that is happy, joyous and free.

Friday, March 13, 2020

A Newbies Question


. "When you make a choice, you change the future." . ~ Deepak Chopra

Unconditional Love

Commonly heard; If you like everyone in A. A. you haven't been to enough meetings.

Even though you may not like someone, for whatever reason, you should have
unconditional love for them because they are all children of God.
Feel their pain, share their laughter, one crazy drunk usually knows where
other drunks have been and how they felt.

Remember, not everyone likes you either.   (Jealously will get them nowhere.)

Remember, if you spot it, you've got it.

Remember, when all of that love starts to flow, include yourself.

Let go and let God, drop the rock, drop the mike, drop the attitude
and just try to be the person that your Higher Power wants you to be.


Have an awesome day, it is your choice.